Philadelphia FPAC

Brownfields Assessment Grant

Seeking Philadelphia Gardeners Interested in Getting Soil Tested!

Are you a Philadelphia gardener who wants more information about the soil in your garden? Are you thinking about starting a garden or farm on a vacant lot, but you’re not sure if the soil is safe? Your garden or vacant lot may be eligible for FREE soil testing!

The City of Philadelphia received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to conduct site histories and soil testing on City-owned vacant lots that are suitable for urban agriculture and green stormwater infrastructure projects. This is a great opportunity for gardeners in Philadelphia. The grant team is looking for existing gardens AND vacant lots where there is interest in growing to conduct site histories and soil tests. Click here for more information.

If you would like to suggest a garden or vacant lot to be considered for soil safety support from this grant, please fill out this simple online form.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out grant team member Elisa Ruse-Esposito, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation FarmPhilly Program Manager at or 215-683-3605.

In the mean time, check out the easy soil safety best practices you can start using right now to make sure  you and your family are growing safely! En español aquí.
